Submit to the higher powers

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Submit to the higher powers


by Ivan Ho  14 May 2020

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
Romans 13:1‭-‬2

God says we are to submit to the higher powers. The powers that be are ordained of God.

1. The higher powers must submit themselves to the highest power. There is no higher power than Jesus Christ the King of kings and Lord of lords. Every man and woman must willingly submit to our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. We are commanded to submit to the higher powers that are “ordained of God”. If someone assumes position of power that is not ordained of God, he or she doesn’t have power that is delegated by God. God does not tell us to submit to positions but to submit to powers that are ordained of God. There is a difference between Powers and Positions, and there is no powers if they are not ordained of God. The powers that be are ordained of God.

3. We can choose to obey those in positions of authorities and if not, they can punish us. But in obeying those in positions of authorities we must make sure we are not disobeying God. If the authorities tell you to take the mark of the beast, for example, you must resist them and obey the Highest Authority. Don’t be an idiot and obey everything those in positions of authorities if they tell you to do things that contradict the word of God.

4. The laws of the land are not above the laws of God which is the word of God. The word of God is the ultimate authority by which every laws of man must align and be judged. We need to obey the laws of the land if they don’t reject or contradict the written laws of God, the Bible.

5. Those who resist the powers (powers that are ordained by and submitted to God) resist the ordinance of God. If we resist the powers that are ordained of God, it is like we are resisting God Himself.

6. Those who resist the powers will receive damnation. The word “damnation” here is in the context of disobeying godly powers, not eternal damnation. We will receive judgement or condemnation according to and in proportion to the acts of our disobedience.

7. There is now no condemnation (eternal condemnation in hell) for those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1). If you are not in Christ,  you are already condemned. But if you are in Christ, you will not be condemned of your sins. There is forgiveness in Christ Jesus who took the punishment of sins upon Himself on the cross of Calvary.

Let every soul be submitted to the higher powers, but more so the highest power in Jesus Christ! Let Jesus Christ be your Lord and Saviour today!


Salvation in Christ

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