Risks and effectiveness of Covid vaccines

Risks and effectiveness of Covid vaccines   COVID vaccines linked to slight increases in heart, brain, blood disorders COVID vaccines from companies like Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca have been linked to rare occurrences of heart, brain and blood disorders, according to the largest vaccine study to date. Researchers from the Global Vaccine Data Network analyzed …

God appointed marriage

God appointed marriage by Ivan Ho 16 Sept 2021   The Bible is full of principles and patterns especially the book of Genesis. If we follow these principles and patterns we will be successful. Let’s look at the story of Abraham’s servant looking for a wife for his master’s son Issac (Genesis 24). 1. Abraham …

Walk in the Spirit

Walk in the Spirit by Ivan Ho   24 Aug 2021   “Walk in the Spirit” has been translated as “Keep in step with the Spirit” in NIV. The KJV translation means man and Spirit walking together as one. NIV translation suggests man trying to keep up with the Spirit of God, and there’s a huge …

The original design

The original design by Ivan Ho    22 Apr 2021 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.1 Timothy 2:13 KJV   Adam was created first then Eve was created to complete God’s creation. That is the divine order and pattern of creation. God created the woman and brought her to the man and the two …